
Difference between revisions of "Template:cpp/header/navbar content"

m (~, + execution support)
m (Transpose, sort inside each section, follow current draft order. The only exception is "C compatibility" which was placed out of order.)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{nv begin}}
{{nv begin}}
{{nv h2|Language support}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv h2|Language support}}
{{nv|{{header|compare}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|coroutine}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|cstdint}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|version}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|initializer_list}} {{mark c++11}}{{nbspt|3}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|source_location}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|cstdint}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|stdfloat}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|stdfloat}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|version}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|source_location}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|initializer_list}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|compare}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|coroutine}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Concepts}}
{{nv h2|Concepts}}
{{nv|{{header|concepts}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|concepts}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv h2|Diagnostics}}
{{nv h2|Diagnostics}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|stacktrace}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|debugging}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv|{{header|debugging}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|stacktrace}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|system_error}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|system_error}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Memory management}}
{{nv h2|Memory management}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|memory_resource}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|memory_resource}} {{mark c++17}}{{nbsp|2}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|scoped_allocator}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|scoped_allocator}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Metaprogramming}}
{{nv h2|Metaprogramming}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|type_traits}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|type_traits}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|ratio}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|ratio}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|General utilities}}
{{nv h2|General utilities}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|tuple}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|optional}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|any}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|any}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|bit}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|charconv}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|expected}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|expected}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|variant}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|format}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|optional}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|tuple}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|typeindex}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|typeindex}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|variant}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|charconv}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|format}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|bit}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Strings}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|string_view}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|cuchar}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Containers}}
{{nv h2|Containers}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|array}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|array}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|flat_map}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|flat_set}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|forward_list}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|forward_list}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|inplace_vector}} {{mark c++26}}{{nbspt|3}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|mdspan}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|span}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|unordered_map}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|unordered_map}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|unordered_set}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|unordered_set}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|flat_map}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|flat_set}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|span}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|mdspan}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|inplace_vector}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Iterators}}
{{nv h2|Iterators}}
{{nv h2|Ranges}}
{{nv h2|Ranges}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|generator}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|ranges}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|ranges}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|generator}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Algorithms}}
{{nv h2|Algorithms}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Strings}}
{{nv|{{header|cuchar}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|string_view}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv h2|Text processing}}
{{nv|{{header|codecvt}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/26|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++26}}}}
{{nv|{{header|regex}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|text_encoding}} {{mark c++26}}{{nbspt|3}}}}
{{nv h2|Numerics}}
{{nv h2|Numerics}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|cfenv}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|cfenv}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|linalg}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv|{{header|numbers}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|random}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|random}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|linalg}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|numbers}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Time}}
{{nv h2|Time}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|chrono}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|chrono}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|C compatibility}}
{{nv|{{header|ccomplex}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/20|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20}}}}
{{nv h2|Localization}}
{{nv|{{header|ciso646}} {{mark until c++20}}}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|cstdalign}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/20|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|cstdbool}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/20|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|ctgmath}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/20|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|codecvt}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/26|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++26}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|text_encoding}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Input/output}}
{{nv h2|Input/output}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|cinttypes}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|filesystem}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|print}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|print}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|spanstream}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|spanstream}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|strstream}} {{mark tooltip|C++98/26|deprecated in C++98, removed in C++26}}}}
{{nv|{{header|syncstream}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|syncstream}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|filesystem}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|cinttypes}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|strstream}} {{mark tooltip|C++98/26|deprecated in C++98, removed in C++26}}}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv h2|Regular expressions}}
{{nv|{{header|regex}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv h2|Concurrency support}}
{{nv h2|Concurrency support}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|stop_token}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|thread}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|atomic}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|atomic}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|rcu}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|stdatomic.h}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|mutex}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|shared_mutex}} {{mark c++14}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|condition_variable}} {{mark c++11}}{{nbsp|2}}}}
{{nv|{{header|semaphore}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|latch}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|barrier}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|barrier}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|condition_variable}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|future}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|future}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|hazard_pointer}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv|{{header|hazard_pointer}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv|{{header|latch}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv|{{header|mutex}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv|{{header|rcu}} {{mark c++26}}}}
{{nv|{{header|semaphore}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|shared_mutex}} {{mark c++14}}}}
{{nv|{{header|stdatomic.h}} {{mark c++23}}}}
{{nv|{{header|stop_token}} {{mark c++20}}}}
{{nv|{{header|thread}} {{mark c++11}}}}
{{nv h2|Execution support}}
{{nv h2|Execution support}}
{{nv|{{header|execution}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv|{{header|execution}} {{mark c++17}}}}
{{nv h2|C compatibility}}
{{nv col begin}}
{{nv|{{header|cstdbool}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/20|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20}}{{nbsp|2}}}}
{{nv|{{header|ccomplex}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/20|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20}}}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|ctgmath}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/20|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|cstdalign}} {{mark tooltip|C++11/17/20|deprecated in C++17, removed in C++20}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col next}}
{{nv|{{header|ciso646}} {{mark until c++20}}}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv ph}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv col end}}
{{nv end}}
{{nv end}}

Revision as of 15:30, 2 November 2024

Language support
<compare> (C++20)
<coroutine> (C++20)
<cstdint> (C++11)
<initializer_list> (C++11)   
<source_location> (C++20)
<stdfloat> (C++23)
<version> (C++20)
<concepts> (C++20)
<debugging> (C++26)
<stacktrace> (C++23)
<system_error> (C++11)
Memory management
<memory_resource> (C++17)
<scoped_allocator> (C++11)
<type_traits> (C++11)
<ratio> (C++11)
General utilities
<any> (C++17)
<bit> (C++20)
<charconv> (C++17)
<expected> (C++23)
<format> (C++20)
<optional> (C++17)
<tuple> (C++11)
<typeindex> (C++11)
<variant> (C++17)
<array> (C++11)
<flat_map> (C++23)
<flat_set> (C++23)
<forward_list> (C++11)
<inplace_vector> (C++26)   
<mdspan> (C++23)
<span> (C++20)
<unordered_map> (C++11)
<unordered_set> (C++11)
<generator> (C++23)
<ranges> (C++20)
<cuchar> (C++11)
<string_view> (C++17)
Text processing
<codecvt> (C++11/17/26*)
<regex> (C++11)
<text_encoding> (C++26)   
<cfenv> (C++11)
<linalg> (C++26)
<numbers> (C++20)
<random> (C++11)
<chrono> (C++11)
C compatibility
<ccomplex> (C++11/17/20*)
<ciso646> (until C++20)
<cstdalign> (C++11/17/20*)
<cstdbool> (C++11/17/20*)
<ctgmath> (C++11/17/20*)
<cinttypes> (C++11)
<filesystem> (C++17)
<print> (C++23)
<spanstream> (C++23)
<strstream> (C++98/26*)
<syncstream> (C++20)
Concurrency support
<atomic> (C++11)
<barrier> (C++20)
<condition_variable> (C++11)
<future> (C++11)
<hazard_pointer> (C++26)
<latch> (C++20)
<mutex> (C++11)
<rcu> (C++26)
<semaphore> (C++20)
<shared_mutex> (C++14)
<stdatomic.h> (C++23)
<stop_token> (C++20)
<thread> (C++11)
Execution support
<execution> (C++17)