
Standard library header <stdbit.h> (C23)

< c‎ | header

This header is part of the numeric library, in particular, it provides macros and functions to work with the byte ordering and byte and bit representation of C objects.


counts the number of consecutive 0 bits, starting from the most significant bit
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
counts the number of consecutive 1 bits, starting from the most significant bit
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
counts the number of consecutive 0 bits, starting from the least significant bit
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
counts the number of consecutive 1 bits, starting from the least significant bit
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
finds the first position of 0 bit, starting from the most significant bit
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
finds the first position of 1 bit, starting from the most significant bit
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
finds the first position of 0 bit, starting from the least significant bit
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
finds the first position of 1 bit, starting from the least significant bit
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
counts the number of 0 bits in an unsigned integer
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
counts the number of 1 bits in an unsigned integer
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
checks if a number is an integral power of 2
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
finds the smallest number of bits needed to represent the given value
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
finds the largest integral power of 2 not greater than the given value
(type-generic function macro)[edit]
finds the smallest integral power of 2 not less than the given value
(type-generic function macro)[edit]

Macro constants

indicates the endianness of scalar types
(macro constant) [edit]

[edit] Synopsis

#define __STDC_VERSION_STDBIT_H__ 202311L
#define __STDC_ENDIAN_LITTLE__ /* implementation-defined */
#define __STDC_ENDIAN_BIG__    /* implementation-defined */
#define __STDC_ENDIAN_NATIVE__ /* implementation-defined */
unsigned int stdc_leading_zeros_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_leading_zeros_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_leading_zeros_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_leading_zeros_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_leading_zeros_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_leading_zeros(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_leading_ones_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_leading_ones_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_leading_ones_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_leading_ones_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_leading_ones_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_leading_ones(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_zeros_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_zeros_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_zeros_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_zeros_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_zeros_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_trailing_zeros(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_ones_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_ones_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_ones_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_ones_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_trailing_ones_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_trailing_ones(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_zero_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_zero_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_zero_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_zero_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_zero_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_first_leading_zero(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_one_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_one_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_one_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_one_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_leading_one_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_first_leading_one(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_zero_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_zero_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_zero_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_zero_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_zero_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_first_trailing_zero(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_one_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_one_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_one_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_one_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_first_trailing_one_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_first_trailing_one(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_zeros_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_zeros_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_zeros_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_zeros_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_zeros_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_count_zeros(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_ones_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_ones_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_ones_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_ones_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_count_ones_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_count_ones(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
bool stdc_has_single_bit_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
bool stdc_has_single_bit_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
bool stdc_has_single_bit_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
bool stdc_has_single_bit_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
bool stdc_has_single_bit_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
bool stdc_has_single_bit(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_bit_width_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_bit_width_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_bit_width_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_bit_width_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_bit_width_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_bit_width(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned char stdc_bit_floor_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned short stdc_bit_floor_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_bit_floor_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned long int stdc_bit_floor_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned long long int stdc_bit_floor_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_bit_floor(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned char stdc_bit_ceil_uc(unsigned char value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned short stdc_bit_ceil_us(unsigned short value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned int stdc_bit_ceil_ui(unsigned int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned long int stdc_bit_ceil_ul(unsigned long int value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned long long int stdc_bit_ceil_ull(unsigned long long int value) [[unsequenced]];
stdc_bit_ceil(/*generic_value_type*/ value) [[unsequenced]];
unsigned char stdc_rotate_left_uc(unsigned char value, unsigned int count);
unsigned short stdc_rotate_left_us(unsigned short value, unsigned int count);
unsigned int stdc_rotate_left_ui(unsigned int value, unsigned int count);
unsigned long stdc_rotate_left_ul(unsigned long value, unsigned int count);
unsigned long long stdc_rotate_left_ull(unsigned long long value, unsigned int count);
stdc_rotate_left(/*generic_value_type*/ value, generic_count_type count);
unsigned char stdc_rotate_right_uc(unsigned char value, unsigned int count);
unsigned short stdc_rotate_right_us(unsigned short value, unsigned int count);
unsigned int stdc_rotate_right_ui(unsigned int value, unsigned int count);
unsigned long stdc_rotate_right_ul(unsigned long value, unsigned int count);
unsigned long long stdc_rotate_right_ull(unsigned long long value, unsigned int count);
stdc_rotate_right(/*generic_value_type*/ value, generic_count_type count);